About Us

The International Educators Association is sponsored by The Global Pioneers Inc. are a United States based 501 C 3 non profit education and humanitarian organization recognized by the US Government. The International Educators Association is an organization that helps provide educational programs, tools, knowledge, books and other materials to aid educators and teachers around the world so they can assist their students and youth to be more successful in reaching their life goals, to be able to study more effectively, to have common sense principles to they can make better decisions and lead a prosperous life.

We partner with many governments, organizations, NGOs, community leaders and people’s from all levels of society to help improve education and improve the communities.

We have trained over 800,000 students, teachers and educators from all over the world, from Dominican Republic to Brazil, from Bangladesh to Sri Lanka.

We hope to be able to assist every Parent, Educator, teachers and student on planet earth by providing successful educational programs and materials.

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